The LSO Cantata SDK is the complete set of deliverables developed by the MEF membership in order to

  1. Enable market adoption of LSO Cantata APIs in the current release of the LSO API Framework.
  2. Support of development of additional features for the upcoming release of the LSO Cantata SDK.

The latest release of LSO Cantata SDK is in the LSO API Release 'Haley' and is available on GitHub (see Latest Release section for details).

Any MEF member can participate in the development of each new release of the LSO Cantata SDK:

  • Contact the LSO Developer Community Manager (Michał Łączyński ) either via GitHub or by email to let him know of your interest and to ask questions

Table of Contents

Latest Release

MEF-LSO-Cantata-SDK - Haley Release

Download the entire repository by clicking


This repository contains the MEF LSO Cantata SDK. It includes API definitions for
the following functional areas:

  • Product Catalog
  • Serviceability
    • Address Validation
    • Site Retrieval
    • Product Offering Qualification Management
  • Product Offering Availability and Pricing Discovery
  • Product Quote
  • Product Order
  • Product Inventory
  • Trouble Ticket
    • Appointment
    • Work Order

It also provides Product Schemas for:

  • Access E-Line
  • Subscriber Carrier Ethernet (EPL, EPLAN, EPTREE, EVPL, EVPLAN, EVPTREE)
  • Internet Access

High-level release notes

No new APIs were introduced.

There are the following document maturity changes:

  • Documents published as MEF Standards:
    • MEF 125.0.1 - Subscriber Ethernet Schemas and Product Schema Guide -
      Amendment (examples)
    • MEF 139 - Internet Access Product Schemas and Developer Guide
    • MEF 127 - LSO Cantata and LSO Sonata Product Catalog - Business
      Requirements and Use Cases
    • MEF 128.1 - LSO API Security Profile
  • The following documents have their Letter Ballots open and will be likely shortly
    published as MEF standards:
    • MEF W110 - Product Offering Availability and Pricing Discovery - Business
      Requirements and Use Cases
  • Updated documents:
    • MEF W160 - LSO Cantata and LSO Sonata Product Offering Availability and
      Pricing Discovery API - Developer Guide

The LSO Marketplace offers the possibility to blend the
desired APIs with chosen Products. Thus the APIs blended with all products that
were available in generated/staticBinding are no longer provided.

NOTE: Please note the Readme files in particular productApi directories to
see detailed release notes per API.

Maturity Level

The API files contained in this SDK are evolving and subject to change. They are
based on documents that are either ratified standards or draft standards that
have not yet completed the review cycles and approvals necessary to achieve the
status as a MEF standard. MEF is making these publicly available at this time to
invite wider industry review.

The maturity per functionality is presented as follows:

(*) is used to mark an item that changes its maturity compared to the previous

  • Product Catalog:
    • Business Requirements:
      • *MEF 127 - Published Standard
    • Developer Guide/API:
      • MEF W142 - work in progress - CfC#2 resolved
  • Address Validation, Site Query:
    • Business Requirements:
      • MEF 79 - Published Standard
      • MEF 79.0.2 - Published Standard
    • Developer Guide/API:
      • MEF 121 - Address Management - Published Standard
      • MEF 122 - Site Management - Published Standard
  • Product Offering Qualification:
    • Business Requirements:
      • MEF 79 - Published Standard
      • MEF 79.0.1 - Published Standard
    • Developer Guide/API:
      • MEF 87 - Published Standard
  • Quote:
    • Business Requirements:
      • MEF 80 - Published Standard
    • Developer Guide/API:
      • MEF 115: - Published Standard
  • Product Offering Availability and Pricing Discovery:
    • Business Requirements:
      • MEF *W110 - Draft Standard R4
    • Developer Guide/API:
      • MEF *W160: - work in progress - ready for CfC#3
  • Order:
    • Business Requirements:
      • MEF 57.2 - Published Standard
    • Developer Guide/API:
      • MEF 123 - Published Standard
  • Inventory:
    • Business Requirements:
      • MEF 81, MEF 81.0.1 - Published Standard
    • Developer Guide/API
      • MEF 116 - Published Standard
  • Trouble Ticket:
    • Business Requirements:
      • MEF 113 - Published Standard
    • Developer Guide/API
      • MEF 124 - Trouble Ticket - Published Standard
      • MEF 137 - Appointment - Published Standard
  • Billing:
    • Business Requirements:
      • MEF 134 - Published Standard
    • Developer Guide/API
      • MEF 141 - Published Standard
  • Product Specifications:
    • MEF 106 - Access E-Line - Published Standard
    • MEF 125 - Subscriber Ethernet (EPL, EPLAN, EPTREE, EVPL, EVPLAN, EVPTREE) -
      Published Standard
    • MEF 125.0.1 - Amendment to Subscriber Ethernet - Published Standard
    • MEF 139 - Basic and Advanced Internet Access - Published Standard
  • Security:
    • MEF 128.1 - Published Standard

For high-level information about the release compatibility and roadmap please
visit: LSO Marketplace

For details on the maturity map and the roadmap for future releases please refer
to LSO Cantata SDK Home Page
on the MEF WIKI.


This SDK contains the following items:

  • COPYRIGHT - Copyright 2022 MEF Forum
  • LICENSE - Contains a copy of the Apache 2.0 license
  • README - This file
  • productApi - Definitions of the APIs - yaml files with schemas
  • documentation - All related standards and Developer Guides
    • productApi - API-related documentation - API Developer Guides
    • productSchema - Product-related documentation - Product schema guides
    • supportingStandards - The rest of the documents and standards.
  • ProductSchema - Product Specification schemas
  • generated
    • staticBinding - No longer provided - please visit
      LSO Marketplace to use self-blending possibility.
    • security - A not normative version of the standard APIs including the
      security profiles as required by MEF 128.1. Provided for evaluation.

Issues, Questions, and Feedback

Issues should be reported with the use of GitHub issues. Questions and feedback
should be asked either at
Cantata SDK Discussions
or directly to

NOTE: All artifacts included in this repository have line numbers. When
referring to specific content in any of these artifacts, please quote the line
numbers to which you are referring.

The MEF LSO Cantata SDK is released under the Apache 2.0 license.

© MEF Forum 2024. All Rights Reserved.

LSO Cantata SDK Releases

BR&UC - Business Requirements & Use Cases

Underlined item indicates a release deliverable that is a delta from the previous SDK release.

Published standard

Draft standard
(or at least 1 CfC resolved)

Work in progress

LSO Cantata SDK Haley (Production)

Git Tag: haley

Date: 20th June 2024

FunctionBR&UCAPI and Developer Guide
Address Validation

MEF 79

MEF 79.0.2

MEF 121
Site Query

MEF 79

MEF 122
Product Offering Qualification (POQ)

MEF 79

MEF 79.0.1

MEF 87
MEF 80
MEF 115
Product Inventory

MEF 81

MEF 81.0.1

MEF 116
Product Order
MEF 57.2MEF 123
Trouble Ticketing
MEF 113

MEF 124 Trouble Ticket

MEF 137 Appointment

Product CatalogMEF 127
MEF W142 (CfC#2)
MEF 134MEF 141
Product Offering Availability and Pricing
MEF W110 Draft Standard (R4) /LB
MEF W160 (CfC#3 Ready)
Test RequirementsMEF W92.1
Draft Standard (R3)

SecurityMEF 128.1

Product SchemasSchema Guide

Subscriber Ethernet

MEF 125.0.1

Internet Access

MEF 139

Release Haley Deliverables

MEF W127 Product CatalogStandard
MEF W110 Product Offering Availability and Pricing DiscoveryDraft Standard (R4)/LB
MEF W160 Product Offering Availability and Pricing Discovery API + Dev GuideCfC#3 Ready

LSO Cantata SDK Irene (Planned: December 2024)

FunctionBR&UCAPI and Developer Guide
Address Validation

MEF W150 Draft Standard (R1) / (LB)

MEF 121

MEF W121.1 (CFC#1 Ready)

Site Query
MEF W150 Draft Standard (R1) / (LB)

MEF 122

MEF W122.1 (CFC#1 Ready)

Product Offering Qualification (POQ)

MEF W79.1 Draft Standard (R1) / (LB)

MEF 87

MEF W87.1 (CFC#1 Ready)

MEF 80.1 Draft Standard (R1) / (LB)

MEF 115

MEF W115.1 (CFC#1 Ready)

Product Inventory

MEF 81

MEF 81.0.1

MEF 116

MEF W116.1 (CFC#1 Ready)

Product Order
MEF 57.2.1 Draft Standard (R1) / (LB)

MEF 123

MEF W123.1 (CFC#1 Ready)

Trouble Ticketing
MEF 113

MEF 124 Trouble Ticket

MEF W124.1 (CFC#1 Ready)

MEF 137 Appointment

MEF W137.1 (CFC#1 Ready)

Product CatalogMEF 127.1 Draft Standard (R1)MEF W142 (CfC#3)
MEF 134

MEF W141

MEF W141.1  (CFC#1 Ready)

Product Offering Availability and Pricing
MEF 110
MEF W160 (LB)
Test RequirementsMEF W92.1 Draft Standard (R3)
SecurityMEF 128.1

Product SchemasSchema Guide

Subscriber Ethernet

MEF 125.0.1

Internet Access

MEF 139

Release Irene Deliverables

MEF 57.2.1 Product Order BRUCDraft Standard (R1) / (LB)
MEF W79.1 POQDraft Standard (R1) / (LB)
MEF 80.1 Quote BRUCDraft Standard (R1) / (LB)
MEF W150 Address, SiteDraft Standard (R1) / (LB)
MEF W142 Product Catalog API + Dev GuideLB
MEF W160 Product Offering Availability and Pricing Discovery API + Dev GuideLB
MEF W87.1 POQ Dev Guide + APICfC#1 Ready

MEF W115.1 Quote Dev Guide+API

CfC#1 Ready
MEF W116.1 Inventory DevGuide+APICfC#1 Ready
MEF W121.1 Address Dev Guide + APICfC#1 Ready
MEF W122.1 Site Dev Guide + APICfC#1 Ready
MEF W123.1 Product Order Dev Guide + APICfC#1 Ready
MEF W124.1 Trouble Ticket Dev Guide + APICfC#1 Ready
MEF W137.1 Appointment Dev Guide + APICfC#1 Ready
MEF W141.1 Billing Dev Guide + APICfC#1 Ready

LSO Cantata SDK Janis (Planned: June 2025)

FunctionBR&UCAPI and Developer Guide
Address Validation

MEF 150

MEF W121.1 (LB)
Site Query
MEF 150

MEF W122.1 (LB)

Product Offering Qualification (POQ)

MEF 79.1

MEF W87.1 (LB)

MEF 80

MEF W115.1 (LB)

Product Inventory

MEF 81

MEF 81.0.1

MEF W116.1 (LB)

Product Order
MEF 57.2MEF W123.1 (LB)
Trouble Ticketing
MEF 113

MEF W124.1 (LB)

MEF W137.1 (LB)

Product CatalogMEF 127MEF W142 (LB)
MEF 134MEF W141.1 (LB)
Product Offering Availability and Pricing
MEF 110
MEF W160 (LB)
Test RequirementsMEF W92.1 Draft Standard (R3)
SecurityMEF 128.1

Product SchemasSchema Guide

Subscriber Ethernet

MEF 125.0.1

Internet Access

MEF 139

Release Janis Deliverables

MEF W150 Address, SiteLB
MEF W142 Product Catalog API + Dev GuideLB
MEF W87.1 POQ Dev Guide + APILB

MEF W115.1 Quote Dev Guide+API

MEF W116.1 Inventory DevGuide+APILB
MEF W121.1 Address Dev Guide + APILB
MEF W122.1 Site Dev Guide + APILB
MEF W123.1 Product Order Dev Guide + APILB
MEF W124.1 Trouble Ticket Dev Guide + APILB
MEF W137.1 Appointment Dev Guide + APILB
MEF W141.1 Billing Dev Guide + APILB

LSO Cantata SDK Grace

Git Tag: grace

Date: 20th December 2023

FunctionBR&UCAPI and Developer Guide
Address Validation

MEF 79

MEF 79.0.2

MEF 121
Site Query

MEF 79

MEF 122
Product Offering Qualification (POQ)

MEF 79

MEF 79.0.1

MEF 87
MEF 80
MEF 115
Product Inventory

MEF 81

MEF 81.0.1

MEF 116
Product Order
MEF 57.2MEF 123
Trouble Ticketing
MEF 113

MEF 124 Trouble Ticket

MEF 137 Appointment

Product CatalogMEF W127 Draft Standard (R2)
MEF W142 (CfC#2 Ready)
MEF 134

MEF 141

Product Offering Availability and Pricing DiscoveryMEF W110 Draft Standard (R2)
MEF W160 (CfC#2 Ready)
Test RequirementsMEF W92.1
Draft Standard (R3)


MEF 128

MEF W128.1 CfC#2

Product SchemasSchema Guide

Subscriber Ethernet

MEF 125.0.1 (LB)

Internet Access

MEF 139 (LB)

Release Grace Deliverables

MEF W141 Billing API + Dev GuidePublished Standard
MEF W125.0.1 - Subscriber Ethernet Schemas and Product Schema Guide - Amendment (examples)
MEF W139 Internet Access ProductLB
MEF W127 Product CatalogDraft Standard (R2)
MEF W110 Product Offering Availability and Pricing DiscoveryDraft Standard (R2)
MEF W142 Product Catalog API + Dev GuideCfC#2 Ready
MEF W160 Product Offering Availability and Pricing Discovery API + Dev GuideCfC#2 Ready

LSO Cantata SDK Fergie

Git Tag: fergie

Date: 23th June 2023

FunctionBR&UCAPI and Developer Guide
Address Validation

MEF 79

MEF 79.0.2

MEF 121
Site Query

MEF 79

MEF 122
Product Offering Qualification (POQ)

MEF 79

MEF 79.0.1

MEF 87
MEF 80
MEF 115
Product Inventory

MEF 81

MEF 81.0.1

MEF 116
Product Order
MEF 57.2MEF 123
Trouble Ticketing
MEF 113

MEF 124 Trouble Ticket

MEF 137 Appointment

Product CatalogMEF W127 Draft Standard (R1)MEF W142 (CfC#1 Ready)
MEF 134
MEF W141 (LB)
Product Offering Availability and Pricing DiscoveryMEF W110 Draft Standard (R1)MEF W160 (CfC#1 Ready)
Test RequirementsMEF W92.1
Draft Standard (R3)

SecurityMEF 128.1 CfC#2

Product SchemasSchema Guide

Access E-Line

MEF 106

Subscriber Ethernet

MEF 125

MEF W125.0.1 (CfC#2)

Internet Access

MEF W139 (CfC#3 Ready)

Release Fergie Deliverables

MEF W141 Billing API + Dev GuideLB
MEF W125.0.1 - Subscriber Ethernet Schemas and Product Schema Guide - Amendment (examples)
MEF W110 Product Offering Availability and Pricing DiscoveryDraft Standard (R1)
MEF W127 Product CatalogDraft Standard (R1)
MEF W139 Internet Access ProductCfC#3 Ready
MEF W128.1 LSO API Security AmendmentCfC#2
MEF W142 Product Catalog API + Dev GuideCfC#1 Ready
MEF W160 Product Offering Availability and Pricing Discovery API + Dev GuideCfC#1 Ready

LSO Cantata SDK Ella

Git Tag: ella

Date: 4th January 2023

FunctionBR&UCLSO Cantata API
Developer GuideMEF branded TMF envelope API
Address Validation

MEF 79

MEF 79.0.2

MEF 121GeographicAddressManagement v1.0.1
Site Query

MEF 79

MEF 122GeographicSiteManagement v1.0.1
Product Offering Qualification (POQ)

MEF 79

MEF 79.0.1

MEF 87

ProductOfferingQualificationManagement v1.0.1

ProductOfferingQualificationNotification v1.0.1

MEF 80
MEF 115

QuoteManagement v2.0.1

QuoteNotification v2.0.1

Product Inventory

MEF 81

MEF 81.0.1

MEF 116ProductInventoryManagement v1.0.2
Product Order
MEF 57.2MEF 123 (LB)

ProductOrderManagement v5.0.0

ProductOrderNotification v5.0.0

Trouble Ticketing
MEF 113

MEF W124 Trouble Ticket (LB)

MEF W137 Appointment (LB)

troubleTicketManagement v4.0.0
troubleTicketNotification v4.0.0

appointmentManagement v2.0.0
appointmentNotification v2.0.0

workorderManagement v2.0.0
workorderNotification v2.0.0

Product Catalog

MEF 134 (LB)
MEF W141 (CfC#1 Ready)
Test RequirementsMEF W92.1 Draft Standard (R2)

SecurityMEF 128

Product SchemasSchema Guide

Subscriber Ethernet

MEF 125 (LB)

MEF W125.0.1 (CfC#1)

Internet Access

MEF W139 (CfC#2)

Release Ella Deliverables

MEF 57.2 Order BR&UCStandard
MEF W123 Order DevGuide+APILB
MEF W113 Trouble Ticketing BR&UCStandard
MEF W124 Sonata API & Developer Guide - Trouble TicketingLB
MEF W134 BillingLB
MEF W141 Billing API + Dev GuideCfC#1 Ready
MEF W139 Internet Access ProductCfC#2 Ready
MEF W137 Appointment API + DevLB
MEF W125 - Subscriber Ethernet Schemas and Product Schema GuideLB
MEF W125.0.1 - Subscriber Ethernet Schemas and Product Schema Guide - Amendment (examples)
CfC#1 Ready

Supporting artifacts:

LSO Cantata SDK Dolly

Git Tag: dolly

Date: 8th June 2022

FunctionBR&UCLSO Cantata APIProduct specificationBlended envelope + payload (OAS 3.0)Tooling
Developer GuideMEF branded TMF envelope APIRequirementsJSON Schema
Address Validation

MEF 79

MEF 79.0.2

MEF 121GeographicAddressManagement (7.0.1)N/AN/A

Site Query

MEF 79

MEF 122GeographicSiteManagement (7.0.1)N/AN/A

Product Offering Qualification (POQ)

MEF 79

MEF 79.0.1

MEF 87

ProductOfferingQualificationManagement (7.0.1)

ProductOfferingQualificationNotification (7.0.1)

MEF W125 (CfC#2)

MEF W139 (CfC#1 Ready)

Subscriber Ethernet

Internet Access

MEF 80
MEF 115

QuoteManagement (8.0.1)

QuoteNotification (8.0.1)

MEF W125 (CfC#2)

MEF W139 (CfC#1 Ready)

Subscriber Ethernet

Internet Access

Product Inventory

MEF 81

MEF 81.0.1

MEF 116ProductInventoryManagement (7.0.2)

MEF W125 (CfC#2)

MEF W139 (CfC#1 Ready)

Subscriber Ethernet

Internet Access

Product Order
MEF W57.2 Draft Standard (R4)MEF W123 (CfC#3)

ProductOrderManagement (9.0.0-RC)

ProductOrderNotification (9.0.0-RC)

MEF W125 (CfC#2)

MEF W139 (CfC#1 Ready)

Subscriber Ethernet

Internet Access

Trouble Ticketing
MEF 113 Draft Standard (R3)

MEF W124 Trouble Ticket  (CfC#3)

MEF W137 Appointment (CfC#1 Ready)

troubleTicketManagement (3.0.0-RC)
troubleTicketNotification (3.0.0-RC)

appointmentManagement (1.0.0-RC)
appointmentNotification (1.0.0-RC)

workorderManagement (1.0.0-RC)
workorderNotification (1.0.0-RC)


MEF W134 Draft Standard (R1) (question)

Test RequirementsMEF W92.1
Draft Standard (R2)

SecurityMEF W128 Draft Standard (R2)

Release Dolly Deliverables

MEF W57.2 Order BR&UCDraft Standard (R4)
MEF W134 Billing BR&UCDraft Standard (R1) 
MEF W113 Trouble Ticketing BR&UCDraft Standard (R3)
MEF W139 Internet Access Product Schema GuideCfC#1 (Ready)
MEF 123 Order DevGuide+APICfC#3
MEF W125 - Subscriber Ethernet Schemas and Product Schema GuideCfC#2
MEF W124 Sonata API & Developer Guide - Trouble TicketingCfC#3
MEF W137 Appointment API + Developer GuideCfC#1 (Ready)
MEF W128 API Security ProfileDraft Standard (R2)

Supporting artifacts:

  • Example Dynamic Binding Implementation
  • LSO Payload Handbook

LSO Cantata SDK Celine (January 14th, 2022)

Git Tag: celine

FunctionBR&UCLSO Cantata APIProduct specificationBlended envelope + payload (OAS 3.0)Tooling
Developer GuideMEF branded TMF envelope APIRequirementsJSON Schema
Address Validation

MEF 79

MEF 79.0.2

MEF 121GeographicAddressManagement v1.0.1N/AN/A

Site Query

MEF 79

MEF 122GeographicSiteManagement v1.0.1N/AN/A

Product Offering Qualification (POQ)

MEF 79

MEF 79.0.1

MEF 87

ProductOfferingQualificationManagement v1.0.1

ProductOfferingQualificationNotification v1.0.1

MEF 125 (CfC#1)

Subscriber Ethernet

MEF 80
MEF 115

QuoteManagement v2.0.0

QuoteNotification v2.0.0

MEF 125 (CfC#1)

Subscriber Ethernet

Product Inventory

MEF 81

MEF 81.0.1

MEF W116
ProductInventoryManagement v1.0.1

MEF 125 (CfC#1)

Subscriber Ethernet

Product Order
MEF W57.2
Draft Standard (R3)
MEF W123 (CfC#2)

ProductOrderManagement v3.0.0-RC

ProductOrderNotification v3.0.0-RC

MEF 125 (CfC#1)

Subscriber Ethernet

Trouble Ticketing
MEF 113 Draft Standard (R2)
MEF W124 (CfC#2)

troubleTicketManagement v2.0.0-RC

troubleTicketNotification v2.0.0-RC



Test RequirementsMEF W92.1
Draft Standard (R2)

Release Celine Deliverables

MEF W57.2 Order BR&UCDraft Standard (R3)
MEF 87 POQ Dev Guide + APILB

MEF 115 Quote Dev Guide+API

MEF W116 Inventory DevGuide+APILB
MEF 121 Address Dev Guide + APILB
MEF 122 Site Dev Guide + APILB
MEF 123 Order DevGuide+APICfC#2
MEF W125 - Subscriber Ethernet Schemas and Product Schema GuideCfC#1 - all attributes optional for all APIs
MEF W113 Trouble TicketingDraft Standard (R2)
MEF W124 Sonata API & Developer Guide - Trouble TicketingCfC#2
MEF W92.1: LSO Sonata Test RequirementsDraft Standard (R2)

Supporting documentation:

  • Example Dynamic Binding Implementation
  • LSO Payload Handbook CfC#1
  • MEF W128 - Draft Release 1 LSO API Security Profile – Implementer’s Guide

LSO Cantata SDK Billie (3rd June 2021)

Version: billie-final

FunctionBR&UCLSO Sonata APIProduct specificationBlended envelope + payload (OAS 3.0)Tooling
Developer GuideMEF branded TMF envelope APIRequirementsJSON Schema
Address Validation

MEF 79

MEF 79.0.2 (Draft Standard R2)

MEF 121
(CfC#1 resolved)
geographicAddressManagement (1.0.0-RC)

Site Query

MEF 79

MEF 122
(CfC#1 resolved)
geographicSiteManagement (1.0.0-RC)N/AN/A

Product Offering Qualification (POQ)

MEF 79

MEF 79.0.1

MEF 87
(CfC#3 resolved)

productOfferingQualificationManagement (1.0.0-RC)

productOfferingQualificationNotification (1.0.0-RC)

MEF W125 (working draft)

Subscriber Ethernet

MEF 80 (Draft Standard R6)
MEF W115
(CfC#1 resolved)

quoteManagement (1.0.0-RC)

quoteNotification (1.0.0-RC)

MEF W125 (working draft)

Subscriber Ethernet(tick)
Product Inventory

MEF 81

MEF 81.0.1

MEF W116 (CfC#1 working draft)productInventoryManagement (1.0.0-RC)MEF W125 (working draft)
Subscriber Ethernet(tick)
Product Order
MEF W57.2 (Draft Standard R2)MEF W123 (CfC#1 working draft)

productOrderManagement (2.0.0-RC)

productOrderNotification (2.0.0-RC)

MEF W125 (working draft)Subscriber Ethernet(tick)
Trouble Ticketing
MEF W113
(Draft Standard R1)

MEF W124

(working-draft, CfC#1 ready)

troubleTicketManagement (1.0.0-RC)

troubleTicketNotification (1.0.0-RC)



Test RequirementsMEF W92.1
(Draft Standard R1)

Release Billie Deliverables

Bolded Deliverables are part of the release's theme: "Ordering and Inventory"

MEF W57.2 Order BR&UCDraft Standard (R2)
MEF W116 Inventory DevGuide+APIWorking Draft (CfC#1)
MEF 123 Order DevGuide+API
Working Draft (CfC#1)
MEF W125 - Subscriber Ethernet Schemas and Product Schema GuideWorking Draft (CfC#1)EPL, EVPL, EP-LAN, EVP-LAN, EP-TREE, EVP-TREE Subscriber UNI

MEF 79.0.2

79 Address amendment

Draft Standard (R2), (LB pending)

MEF 80

Quote BR&UC

Draft Standard (R6), (LB pending)

MEF 115

Quote DevGuide+API

CfC#1 resolvedlots of changes in MEF 80
MEF 87 POQ DevGuide + APICfC#3 resolved
MEF 121 Address Dev Guide + APIWorking Draft (CfC#1)
MEF 122 Site Dev Guide + APIWorking Draft (CfC#1)
MEF W113 Trouble TicketingDraft Standard (R1)
MEF W124 Sonata API & Developer Guide - Trouble TicketingWorking Draft (CfC#1)
MEF W92.1: LSO Sonata Test RequirementsDraft Standard (R1)

LSO Cantata SDK Aretha

Version: aretha

Date: 22nd December 2020

FunctionBR&UCLSO Cantata APIProduct specificationBlended envelope + payload (OAS 3.0)
Developer GuideMEF branded TMF envelope APIRequirementsJSON Schema
Address Validation

Site Query

Product Offering Qualification (POQ)


Product Inventory

Product Order

MEF W57.2

(Draft Standard R2)


ProductOrderNotification - 1.0.0-RC

Trouble Ticketing



Release Aretha Deliverables

Bolded Deliverables are part of the release's theme "Pre-order"

Order APIWorking Draft
updated to 57.2 Draft Standard (R2) (basic scope)
Basic scope = Create, Cancel, Get, List of Product Order
MEF W57.2 Order BR&UCDraft Standard R2 (basic scope)Basic scope = Create, Cancel, Get, List of Product Order

The Amend, Charge etc. will be part of Billie release.

EPL Product SchemaWorking draftJust product specification, without the documentation



LSO Developer Community Manager
LSO Legato SDK @ GitHub

Core (public):

Extensions (MEF Members only):

If you are a MEF Member, update your wiki profile with your GitHub account name. Access to the LSO Cantata SDK Extensions repository is periodically updated with provided GitHub accounts. Additionally contact the LSO Developer Community Manager to request the immediate access.

Core Contributors

Karthik Sethuraman

Jack Pugaczewski

Are you a core contributor to this LSO SDK but not mentioned here? Please let the LSO Developer Community Manager know and we will add you!