The basic model described in MEF 10.3 for Ethernet services is of a Subscriber being the end user for the service (which can be an enterprise, an application service provider, Small Medium Enterprise (SME) etc.) contacting a Service Provider who manages and operates a Carrier Ethernet Network (CEN) for delivery of Carrier Ethernet services.
The organization purchasing and/or using MEF-defined services such as EVC-based Carrier Ethernet services. Also known as the 'End User' (MEF 10.3 p8)
The Subscriber describes to the Service Provider the connectivity that the Subscriber requires and the traffic specifications in terms of guaranteed bandwidth (CIR) and Excess Bandwidth (EIR) and the associated burst sizes (CBS and EBS). This is collectively known as Bandwidth Profile.
The Service Provider offers the Ethernet service(s) to the Subscriber and optionally provides a Service Level Specification (SLS) which can include service performance metrics for the guaranteed traffic (see Service Level Agreement (SLA))
Service Provider
The Service Provider (SP) is the organization providing Carrier Ethernet service(s). The SP contracts with the Subscriber for delivery of service per the service requirements specified by the Subscriber. The commitment of the SP is specified in the Service Level Agreement (SLA) which defines the service, billing, support and maintenance.
Note that the SP may contract with one or more Operators of Carrier Ethernet Networks (CEN) in order to provide an end-to-end service across or within areas not within its own network.
MEF 26.1 expands the basic model (described in MEF 10.x) to facilitate the cases where the service spans multiple Carrier Ethernet Networks operated by different administrative entities.
Each CEN is managed by an Operator where the Operator provides connectivity services to the Service Provider that in turn provides the UNI-to-UNI (end-to-end service) to the Subscriber (as described in the MEF 10.3 model)