An Operator Virtual Connection (OVC) is an association of OVC End Points.

When an EVC spans multiple CENs, it is composed of segments in each CEN that are concatenated together to form the EVC. These segments are called Operator Virtual Connections or OVCs. An OVC is the association of UNIs  and ENNIs within a single CEN where at least one of these external interfaces is an ENNI. Each association of an OVC and an external interface is called an OVC End Point.


Access EPL

An Access EPL service uses a point-to-point OVC to associate one OVC End Point at a UNI and one OVC end point at a ENNI. 


The figure below shows an EVC comprising 3 point-to-point OVCs. OVC1 runs from the first UNI to the ENNI. OVC2 runs from ENNI to ENNI. OVC3 runs from ENNI to the second UNI. Each OVC is managed by the CEN Operator and the EVC is managed by the Service Provider.


EVC - 3 OVCs


Related and Further Reading



Carrier Ethernet |



Source(s) and Reference(s)



