This page contains information and pointers to information that can be used by a candidate to prepare for the exam.

The SD-WAN Professional Certification BETA exam consists of 60 questions spread across the 16 objectives shown in the Blueprint. The candidate has xxx minutes to complete the exam.

Reference Materials

The primary reference for the SD-WAN Professional Certification exam is MEF 70, SD-WAN Service Attributes and Services. Additional References include:

  1. MEF 55: Lifecycle Service Orchestration (LSO): Reference Architecture and Framework

  2. RFC 2764: A Framework for IP Based Virtual Private Networks

  3. A deep dive into SD-WAN troubleshooting and monitoring:

  4. What to expect with SD-WAN management, intent and usability:

  5. SD-WAN For Dummies 2nd VMware Special Edition by Sanjay Uppal, Steve Woo and Dan Pitt (available free online)

  6. MEF White Paper: Understanding SD-WAN Managed Services

    • Caution: This is an older MEF White Paper (pre-MEF 70) that uses obsolete terminology. Focus on the concepts not terminology.
  7. Limitations and Differences of using IPsec, TLS/SSL or SSH as VPN-solution, Ole Martin Dahl,