Superseded by MEF 22.2

MEF 22.1

Mobile Backhaul Implementation Agreement Phase 2

MEF 22.1 is a specification document developed by the Technical Committee of the MEF that provides an Implementation Agreement for Mobile Backhaul.


"This document identifies the requirements for MEF Ethernet Services and MEF External Interfaces (EIs such as UNIs) for use in Mobile Backhaul networks based on MEF specifications. In addition, new interface and service attributes have been specified where needed. The services and requirements in this Implementation Agreement are based on the services defined in MEF 6.1 as well as the attributes in MEF 10.2, in MEF 10.2.1 and this IA. The aim is to be flexible to support a wide range of Ethernet service based mobile network deployments."


Mobile Backhaul | Carrier Ethernet |

TC (MEF members only) |
Daniel Bar-Lev